After 30 years in business, Charleston Gardens® has closed its doors as of December 31, 2024. To the best of our knowledge, all orders have been fulfilled, returns processed and any problems resolved.
We began as a “bricks and mortar” store in 1994, added print catalogs to grow our mail order business and then commenced e-commerce sales. We are grateful for the many customers who provided on-going support that enabled us to meet the challenges of a changing retail environment.
We are also grateful for the artists who provided designs for new products that helped make Charleston Gardens® a great place to shop. And we were blessed by excellent suppliers, staff members and advisors.
Some good things do come to an end, but the journey could not have been more rewarding.
With many thanks,
Leeda Marting, Founder and President
P. S. If you need to reach us, please send an email to We no longer take phone calls.